Friday 3 July 2009

Friday chat

Hooray its Friday - what a productive day! Cleaned outside of windows - actually worked out how to tilt and turn then which is great. I had a discussion for a consultancy position for a company today and it looks like it is probably going ahead. it has been hopeful for months but this looks like it is actually happening now. My council tax is all sorted out at long last so its all coming together.

I have been trying to set up my overlocker but I am to tired to thread the tiny holes which need super concentration also to tired to iron! I have just watched Ugly Betty and covered Struans table in Apple print oilcloth. I have promised to do it for him for weeks but thats it done now.

Tomorrow is swimming then hopefully over to Edinburgh to see Lanna and baby Ellen. No photos tonight as to sleepy to be bothered. I started reading Stephaine Meyer - The Host last night but it was not ringing my bell so off to read some more to see if it will grow on me.

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